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Science Scholarship Award

It is with great pleasure to announce an opportunity for a female student of color to obtain support in her undergraduate studies. Creating Change Psychological Services, PLLC is offering a 2019 Scholarship Science Award


  • New York City resident (can attend college out of state).

  • Student must be female and entering her second year of college at an accredited undergraduate, Historically Black College & University (HBCU) institution by August 2019.

  • Student must be from a racial ethnic minority group.

  • Student must have declared a major in either a Behavioral, Social, and/or Natural Science.

  • Current transcript must be received and of fair to good academic standing (GPA of 2.8 or higher). Unofficial transcripts accepted.

Student must answer the following questions via a video recording (No more than five minutes total for answering both questions. Professional attire is requested)

  • What is your current major and overall career objective?

  • How will you use your career platform in the sciences to assist the generation that comes after you?

A completed application should be received by email mail Friday, June 1, 2019. The application email should include a to a recorded video response on YouTube to the two questions above, along with an attachment of the most current transcript with school information, letter from college confirming academic standing to proceed to 2nd year, along with official course schedule for the Fall 2019 semester. Place in subject line, 2019 Science Scholarship Award.  

Click here to read flyer.  

Completed application should be sent to the attention of

Dr. Eugena Griffin

2018 Science Scholarship Award Recipient

Last year's Science Scholarship Award was given to female student of color, entering her second year of college. The student, Ms. Harriet L., will be entering her 2nd year at Hostos Community College, CUNY. She intends to pursue a degree in Psychology and accomplish the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

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